Monday, September 17

Kek Lok Si Temple


The KekLok Si temple, the largest and most beautiful Buddhist temple complex in Malaysia and also one of the first being built in the South East Asia region, which is also referred to as the 'Temple of Supreme Bliss' or the 'Pure Land Temple', 
The lighting candles around the seated Buddha were written by people names. Budist believe that when they are wrote their name on that candle and lightning them up, their life would be luck and have a good feature life. This seated Buddha is situated in the pavilion.

Budist will lightning up the lantern when they are celebrated the Chinese New Year or celebrate another festival.

The prayer hall. At here, there are a lot of statue represent each of budist`s god. Budist people will sit on a small chair and a monk will lead for their prayer. The statue was originally made from pure gold.

The giant bronze statue of Kuan Yin, Goddess of Mercystanding on the hillside above the pagoda was height 30.2 meter. This is one of the stars at KekLok Si Temple.
Pavilion of Seated Buddha is one of the stars at KekLok Si Temple. This two-story pavilion is cloistered by rows of standing Buddha images. The seated Buddha was surrounded by lit candles in the form of open lotus.

The Pagoda of Rama VIbetter known as the Pagoda of 10,000 Buddhas or Ban Po That. This unusual pagoda combines a Chinese octagonal base with a middle tier of Thai design, and a Burmese crown, effectively fusing Mahayana and Theravada Buddhism symbols into one structure.


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